If you would like to volunteer as a minister or coordinator for one of our Liturgies please contact our office at 337-433-2467.
Hospitality Ministers
embody the mission of St. John Bosco to foster a warm community that welcomes and values each person. These volunteers greet the gathering assembly, assist with seating, take up the collection, distribute worship aids and bulletins, and straighten up the church for the next celebration.
Eucharistic Ministers
by assisting the priest in distributing Holy Communion to the assembly, nourish the assembly with the gifts from the sacred table. This ministry is open to all Catholics who have been fully initiated with the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.
bring God’s Word to life at Mass, as they proclaim the Scriptures and lead the Prayers of the Faithful. They devote time to preparing and reflecting on the readings in advance, so that they may be proclaimed with familiarity, reverence and love.
Mass Coordinators
are experienced liturgical ministers entrusted with coordinating the many volunteers who assist at a particular Liturgy. They check-in volunteers at the usher’s closet, identify members to bring up the gifts, facilitate the collection, and work with the Liturgical Coordinator and Sacristans to ensure the Liturgy runs smoothly.
Altar Servers
are fourth graders through high school. They perform tasks such as lighting candles, preparing the altar, and holding the New Roman Missil.