Altar Servers
For boys & girls, ages ten and over, to serve no more than twice a month (unless otherwise agreed upon). Call Deacon Fred Reed at 337-529-8285.
Eucharistic Adoration
Thursday, from 9:00 am - 6:00 pm, in the Adoration Chapel (room at west end of the church). The specific way that Jesus asks us to love Him in return is to spend one quiet hour with Him each week in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. "Could you not spend one hour with Me?" Call Kali Simmons at 337-564-3873.
Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist / Sick
How does one become a minister? A training and commissioning is provided by the Diocese or the local pastor for a three year period. We hold in our hands the precious Body of our Lord Jesus Christ, as we share this gift with others. Call Deacon Reed at 337-529-8285.
Lector (Proclaimer of the Word)
Lectors share in the tradition of proclaiming the Word to the Community at the Mass Celebrations on the weekend (usually once a month), and/or at daily Mass. There is a short training. Call Deacon Reed at 337-529-8285.
Committee meets regularly to discuss ideas and church decor for the Church Seasons such as Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter Triduum, etc. Call Deacon Reed at 337-529-8285.
Music Ministry
This ministry reaches deep into the human heart with voices that praise God in song. The Assembly is brought to its feet with the sound of the first note - ready to praise God. Call 337-564-3873.
Nursing Home Ministry
(High Hope Nursing Home in sulphur, LA) This Ministry is for Wednesdays of each week. It may be a Communion Service or Mass, and sometimes a Rosary prayed before the Mass. Call Deacon Reed at 337-529-8285.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Inltiation)
This ministry is for formation of adults, to instruct those interested in becoming Catholic, learning about the Catholic Faith, a deeper knowledge of the faith, and in need of a sacrament. It is a faith journey that begins with formed relationships with one another and their catechist (teacher). Call Deacon Reed at 337-529-8285.
PREP (Parish Religious Education Program)
The religion classes are from Kindergarten through 11 th grade, held each week from September until Holy Week. Teachers and helpers are volunteers who meet periodically to be refreshed in knowledge and spirituality. Call the office or Kali Simmons to volunteer.
Rosary Group
This group of women meet on Fridays mornings at different homes. They begin with fellowship, coffee and pastry, then continue on with prayer: petitions and Rosary. This group also maintains one of the Prayer Lines in the parish. Call Alice Hooper at 337-377-1075.
These men are greeters at the doors of the church, pick up collections, help parishioners to be seated, and hand out bulletins after Mass.
Parish Organizations
Ladies Altar Society
Buys and maintains Altar and Sanctuary items: candles, candleholders, vessels, vestments, linen, baptismal garments, etc. The ladies help with social functions, provides meals for funerals within the parish, sponsors ·Days of Recollection- each year, hosts the ·Country Kitchen- booth at the annual Festival, and much more. The Society meets on the third Tuesdays of the month. President is JoAnn Racca - 337-439-8519.
Catholic Daughters Court 2388
CDA is the largest organization of Catholic women. With the Blessed Mother as the model, they are called to be unified in faith in Jesus and to be commited to the Church and the Holy See. Purpose of the CDA: to participate in religious, charitable and creative spiritual programs which provide members an opportunity to develop their Godgiven talents in a meaningful way to influence others. The women meet on the second Mondays of the month. Catholic Daughters of America. Call Dimples Veillon at 337-884-9417.
Knights of Columbus 5755
The Knights of Columbus Is a fraternal order of Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, that was formed to give aid to members and their famillies. Mutual aid is given for the sick, disabled and needy members and families. Membership is international with more than 1.7 million members in over 12,000 councils. Knights are from all walks of life. At SJB, the Knights include your priest, deacons, Eucharistic Ministers, lectors, ushers, and CCD teachers. They donate money and time to the Church and community through numerous projects. They support the Pro-Life effort and promote vocations to the religious life. The cornerstone of the work of the Knights is allegiance to the Catholic Church and its mission. John Jackson is Grand Knight 337-244-4668.